Wednesday, May 13, 2020

Chinese Radicals (5) Walking Bottom - 走之底

The big seal script for radical Walking Bottom is

The top is half of character of the following

which is an intersection of a street, meaning Walk or Street or Road.

The bottom one

 is Foot.

The two together means "walking on the road with feet".

e.g. character Advance

The top right is 隹 - Bird,  the left and bottom is the Walking Bottom, which means Advance because bird can only walk forward not backward.

As time past, the small seal script for the radical is

The top is the street/road, changed a lot, but it is still like the road. The bottom is the foot, which is right below the top part.

The character Advance becomes

The right part is Bird.

The clerical script for the radical is

The top is the road/street, not much similarity to the old radicals. The bottom big horizontal stroke is the extending foot.

The character Advance of clerical script at first became
There are three very short strokes which is the simplified street/road, but bottom is the modified foot to get the typical clerical long Insect-head-bird-tail stroke.

The clerical script of the radical continued to evolve to become to the following

The radical on the left is simplified to connected two bottom short strokes, which is the final or current form of Radical Walking Bottom.

The Radical Walking Bottom means "walking on the road with feet".

Chinese Radicals (5) Walking Bottom - 走之底

The big seal script for radical Walking Bottom is The top is half of character of the following which is an intersection of a stre...